About the Juria Project
Our focus is on creating an adaptive electric stroller that caters specifically to the needs of individuals with disabilities and allows them and their families to enjoy hiking trails, beaches, dirt roads, and forests just as we all do. This is not an electric wheelchair, an All-Terrain Trackchair, or a robot that requires extensive training and comes with a hefty price tag. The Juria is a stroller that fills a gap that's been overlooked in the adaptive equipment world. In the status quo, the market offers wheelchairs and robot-like vehicles, but they often miss the mark for many individuals with special needs. Some people require the comfort of a stroller-like configuration, complete with a canopy enclosure for protection from the elements. Others may have sensory issues and prefer the security of an enclosed space. And for those like my brother who can't sit upright for a long time as required in a traditional wheelchair, the options become even more limited. For the past 5 y