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On Snow, On Pavement, On Gravel, and On Sand

Snow Kit and Component Enhancements

To address the challenges of snowy terrain, we introduced a snow kit. This involved adding extra spacer pads, which allowed the cog fixed to the wheel to properly align the chain with the motor, ensuring smooth operation even in icy conditions. Additionally, we replaced the axles, which proved to be a successful upgrade—they didn’t bend or flex under pressure, offering greater durability and stability on uneven surfaces.

The fat tires performed excellently in the snow, providing good traction without producing significant noise. These tires handled the slippery, snow-covered trails of Hidden Valley with ease, making them an ideal choice for winter conditions.

Juria Tested in Extreme Conditions: Insights and Future Enhancements

The Juria device was recently tested across a range of environments, from the freezing trails of Tallman Mountain State Park to snowy conditions in Hidden Valley, Maine, and the urban landscape of Central Park. These tests helped highlight some key design flaws and areas for future improvement.

Key Observations

1. On Snow

The most significant issue was battery performance in colder temperatures. At 14°F in Tallman Mountain, the battery drained quickly, which was a major drawback for longer outdoor use in cold climates. This issue was amplified in snowy conditions at Hidden Valley.

2. On Pavement

Juria worked well in the varied terrain of Central Park, but testing here reminded us that a device must be versatile across both rural and urban environments.

3. On Gravel

The Juria performed well on gravel. It utilized proper traction to maintain safety and control. 

4. On Sand

The Juria did not slip in wet sand and was able to maintain traction in dry sand. The only issue we faced was the corrosion that could occur from the salt water. After using it in a salt-heavy environment, it was rinsed off with fresh water and soap. 

Future Plans: Seat Warmer Feature

One exciting future improvement is the incorporation of a seat warmer, designed to help with sensory sensitivity to the cold. This would make the device more comfortable for users like Simon, allowing for longer and more enjoyable use in cold conditions.


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