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Off-road Assembly

How to assemble and install Fat Tires:

I recommend purchasing a fat bike with complete wheel assembly and a tire hub with

spokes. It’s not cheap and will cost a bit more but it will save a lot of time. This wheel assembly comes complete with an axle, however, the axle is 10mm in diameter and it’s too short. To install it on a Wike you will need a longer a 12mm axle that is 220mm long (most bike parts are specked in metric units of measure). Once you remove the existing axle you will also need to remove the ball bearing that are in there since they are 10mm x 26mm x 8mm W. The bearing we will need must be 12mm x 26mm x 8mm (9mm will also work) to accommodate the 12mm axle. The bearings that are in the hub are hard to remove so you will need to hammer .

2. The axle that I found to work best is the Minho 12mm 230mm Front Rear Axle it comes with three bushings and the end bolt. We will need four of the 5mm bushings and two of the 20mm bushings. There is only 5mm per set so I decided to buy 4 sets of axles. Of course, you can purchase the 5mm bushing somewhere else if you don’t want to buy additional axles. 

3. Ball bearings – this is the tricky one. We need 12mm x 26mm x 8mm and this size is not easy to find (in a classic ball bearing). Ball bearings are recommended for this application because the load that we are applying is the radial load (applied from the top). Since the Juria moves at a max speed of 12 km/h, I decided to use the Thrust Ball Bearings, although these are really designed for handling axial load, but these were readily available on amazon and very affordable. 


These are 9mm wide but as I mentioned they fit into the hub without any problems. If you are set on using a ball bearings, I did find the right size (12mm x 26mm x 8mm) but it’s not on prime and they are pricy: 

4. Flipping one tire on the wheel: The fat-tire wheels are designed for a bike, so they are typically mounted in the same orientation. Since we are mounting them on the opposite side of one another to keep the tire thread in the right direction, we will need to flip one of the tires. This sounds harder than it is – if you have ever changed a flat on the bicycle you will not have a problem with this.

5. Install the l-faster gear on the new fat tire wheels.

6. Axle assembly and installation on the Wike: Assemble and insert the bearing into the hub – if needed use a small hammer and tap them in (be careful not to damage the hub). At the head end of the axle, insert the 5mm bushing then insert the axle through the bearing and the hub. Then insert the 20mm bushing (this one is very important and will act as a spacer). The fat tire is much thicker so we need to make sure that it clears the Wike parts and canopy and does not run against the frame. With the 20mm bushing in place, insert the axle through the Wike frame hub. Next, reach under the seat of the Wike and find the axle (it may take some time but you will find it). Once you have the axle insert another 5mm bushing and the screw on the 12mm end bolt.


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