Prototype – Parts, Components, and Cost
We're going to use a method similar to a powered wheelchair. It can be steered, moved forwards or backwards, and has two-wheel rear drive. Also, when it stops, it doesn't move easily because of the gearhead in the motor. This could be helpful, especially downhill. A joystick is perfect for this because you can control how fast and in which direction (forward or backward) each motor turns with just one lever. Wike Special Needs Extra Large Bike Trailer Conversion will be done on the Wike extra large trailer. My brother weighs 95lbs and he is 4’11” tall so we chose the extra-large version because it can accommodate an occupant up to 5’10” tall and 150lbs in weight. Our conversion design will also work on the regular-size special needs trailer. Both models are very spacious, safe, and offer the best comfort. All parts and components will be mounted directly on the Wike frame to make it look stock and professional. WIKE $1,099.99 USD L Faster Dual Motor Kit This is a 500W Motor Le...